Where did we come from?

Where did we come from?

According to sapiens1 Book

A Race of Cooks A significant step on the way to the top was the domestication of fire. Some human species may have made occasional use of fire as early as 800,000 years ago. By about 300,000 years ago,Homo erectus, Neanderthals and the forefathers of Homo sapiens were using fire on a daily basis. Humans now had a dependable source of light and warmth, and a deadly weapon against prowling lions. Not long afterwards, humans may even have started deliberately to torch their neighbourhoods. A carefully managed fire could turn impassable barren thickets into prime grasslands teeming with game.
In addition, once the fire died down, Stone Age entrepreneurs could walk through the smoking remains and harvest charcoaled animals, nuts and tubers.But the best thing fire did was cook. Foods that humans cannot digest in their natural forms such as wheat, rice and potatoes became staples of our diet thanks to cooking.
 Fire not only changed food’s chemistry, it changed its biology as well. Cooking killed germs and parasites that infested food. Humans also had a far easier time chewing and digesting old favourites such as fruits, nuts, insects and carrion if they were cooked. 
Whereas chimpanzees spend five hours a day chewing raw food, a single hour suffices for people eating cooked food.The advent of cooking enabled humans to eat more kinds of food, to devote less time to eating, and to make do with smaller teeth and shorter intestines. Some scholars believe there is a direct link between the advent of cooking, the shortening of the human intestinal track, and the growth of the human brain. Since long intestines and large brains are both massive energy consumers, it’s hard to have both. By shortening the intestines and decreasing their energy consumption, cooking inadvertently opened the way to the jumbo brains of Neanderthals and Sapiens.Fire also opened the first significant gulf between man and the other animals. The power of almost all animals depends on their bodies: the strength of their muscles, the size of their teeth, the breadth of their wings. Though they may harness winds and currents, they are unable to control these natural forces, and are always constrained by their physical design.
 Eagles, for example, identify thermal columns rising from the ground, spread their giant wings and allow the hot air to lift them upwards. Yet eagles cannot control the location of the columns, and their maximum carrying capacity is strictly proportional to their wingspan. 
When humans domesticated fire, they gained control of an obedient and potentially limitless force. Unlike eagles, humans could choose when and where to ignite a flame, and they were able to exploit fire for any number of tasks. Mog importantly, the power of fire was not limited by the form, structure or strength of the human body. A single woman with a flint or fire stick could burn down an entire forest in a matter of hours. The domestication of fire was a sign of things to come.Sanyii Nyaata BilcheessitootaaKaraa gara gubbaatti geessu irratti tarkaanfiin guddaan ibidda mana keessa galchuu ture. Gosoonni namaa tokko tokko waggoota 800,000 dura darbee darbee ibiddatti fayyadamaa turan taʼa. Gara waggoota 300,000 dura Homo erectus, Neanderthals fi abbootiin Homo sapiens guyyaa guyyaan ibidda fayyadamaa turan. Ilmaan namootaa amma madda ifaafi hoʼaa amanamaa, akkasumas meeshaa waraanaa nama ajjeesu leencota naannaʼan irratti fayyadamu qabu turan. Yeroo dheeraa osoo hin turin ilmaan namootaa itti yaadanii naannoo isaanii gubuu illee jalqabuu danda’u. Ibiddi of eeggannoodhaan to’atame, bosona gogaa hin darbine gara marga gaarii taphaan guutametti jijjiiruu danda’a. Kana malees, ibiddichi erga du’ee booda abbootiin qabeenyaa bara dhagaa hambaa tamboo xuuxu keessa deemuun bineensota charcoaled, nuts fi tubers sassaabuu danda’u.Garuu wanti ibiddi godhe hundarra gaariin nyaata bilcheessu ture. Nyaatni ilmaan namootaa bifa uumamaa isaaniitiin daakuun hin dandeenye kan akka qamadii, ruuzii fi boqqolloo galata nyaata bilcheessuun nyaata keenya keessatti ijoo ta’an. Ibiddi keemistirii nyaataa jijjiiruu qofa osoo hin taane baayoloojii isaas jijjiire. Nyaata bilcheessuun jarmii fi paraasitoota nyaata weeraran ajjeese. Ilmaan namootaas yoo bilcheefaman wantoota durii jaallataman kanneen akka fuduraalee, muuzaa, ilbiisotaa fi foon daakuun yeroo baayyee salphaa ta’e qaba ture. Shimpaanziin guyyaatti sa’aatii shan nyaata qalamaa daakuun kan dabarsan yoo ta’u, namoota nyaata bilcheefame nyaataniif sa’aatiin tokko gahaadha.Dhufaatiin nyaata bilcheessuun ilmaan namootaa gosa nyaataa baay’ee akka nyaatan, yeroo xiqqoo nyaata nyaachuuf akka kennan, akkasumas ilkaan xixiqqoo fi garaacha gabaabaa ta’een akka of gammachiisan isaan dandeessiseera. Hayyoonni tokko tokko dhufaatii nyaata bilcheessuun, daandii garaacha namaa gabaabsuu fi guddina sammuu namaa gidduutti walitti dhufeenyi kallattiin akka jiru amanu. Garaan dheeraan fi sammuu guddaan lamaan isaanii iyyuu anniisaa guddaa waan fayyadamaniif, lamaan isaanii qabaachuun rakkisaadha. Garaacha gabaabsuu fi fayyadama anniisaa isaanii hir’isuun nyaata bilcheessuun osoo hin beekin sammuu jumbo Niyaandartaal fi Saapiyeensitti karaa bane.Akkasumas ibiddi qaawwa guddaa jalqabaa namaa fi bineensota kaan gidduutti bane. Humna bineensota hunda jechuun ni danda’ama qaama isaanii irratti hundaa’a: cimina maashaalee isaanii, guddina ilkaan isaanii, bal’ina baallee isaanii. Bubbee fi kaarentii fayyadamuu danda’anis, humnoota uumamaa kana to’achuu hin danda’an, yeroo hunda dizaayinii fiizikaalaa isaaniitiin kan danqamanidha. Fakkeenyaaf, adurree utubaawwan ho’aa lafa irraa ka’an adda baasuun, baallee isaanii gurguddaa diriirsuu fi hayyama qilleensa ho’aa ol kaasuuf. Taʼus, sangoonni bakka utubaawwan sun itti argaman toʼachuu kan hin dandeenye siʼa taʼu, dandeettiin baattuu isaanii inni guddaan balʼina baallee isaanii wajjin walmadaala. Ilmaan namootaa ibidda yeroo mana keessa jiraatan humna ajajamuu fi daangaa hin qabne taʼuu dandaʼu toʼachuu dandaʼaniiru. Ilmaan namootaa akka sangootaatti yoomii fi eessatti akka abidda qabsiisan filachuu kan dandaʼan siʼa taʼu, hojiiwwan baayʼee kamiif iyyuu ibiddatti fayyadamuu dandaʼu turan. Mog wanti guddaan humni ibiddaa bifa, caasaa ykn cimina qaama namaatiin hin daangeffamne. Dubartiin takkaa dhagaa cilee ykn ulee ibiddaa qabdu saʼaatii muraasa keessatti bosona guutuu gubuu dandeessi. Ibiddi mana keessa galchuun mallattoo wantoota dhufaniif ture.



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